Coming to Terms
Looking at life from different views ultimately helps a person move on from places they are stuck in, whether that be grief, financial hardship, etc. I have been having to struggle with this child loss and the grief this second loss instills in me, without fully knowing how to do so. I stood before God and screamed and cried like why did you not deliver me from this hardship? WHY!? I stand upright and believe and do what I know is right, what he wills me to do whether that be helping someone in need, someone not in need or just listening to his still small voice. I am by no means perfect whatsoever but I had to struggle through the "What the hell did I do to deserve this!" And let me tell you, it was a huge struggle. As I listened to Christmas music tonight I had a revelation. Maybe it is just me and sometimes I feel crazy when these things happen but I know it is right and true. Just because I am a follower of Jesus and love God and follow him in my life DOES NOT me...