My First Half Marathon - What I Learned
Pre-Race Before finding out we were pregnant with Samuel, I was training for my first half marathon, which was a huge feet for me. Back in 2014 when I first started running I couldn't even get two blocks down the road, let alone contemplate running 13.1 miles! So my first goal after he was born was to accomplish that milestone. After my 6 week postpartum check-up and getting the go ahead to start training again, I signed up for my first half marathon, the Gopher to Badger , running from Stillwater, MN across the border to Hudson, WI. Those first few miles were HARD , and I'm not even kidding. Running only two miles and feeling like death was the saddest day of my life, for real. Knowing I had to start from the beginning and didn't even do good at all, was a slap in the face. Before I stopped running per doctor's orders I was up to 6 miles in my training, so not being able to even run 3 was terrible for me. I had to pick myself up. I had to self motivate becaus...