
Showing posts from December, 2017

When God Made You by Matthew Paul Turner

When God Made You  by  Matthew Paul Turner  is a beautifully written children's book that shows kids how much God does love them through poetry and illustration. The book is bright and vibrant and I couldn't help but smile while reading it to the kids. My oldest loved the book, and after we had finished reading it I explained to him how special him and his brother are to God. That in fact, God loves everyone just the same, and we are oh so special to him. This book opened a door for my kids to feel and better understand that special love only God has for everyone. When God Made You  really could be a book for young and old alike, because I really don't think many of us grasp the profoundness of God's love for us, as kids and adults. I am so happy to have this book, and have been asked multiple times by my oldest to read it to him again.  Matthew Paul Turner   did an amazing job with the writing and the illustrations by David Catrow are just beautiful....