Green Enough - Eat Better, Live Cleaner, Be Happier!
Most of us have heard about "greener" living. Some of us have taken small steps towards it, others of us HUGE progress, maybe even living completely "green" . Personally, I am EXTREMELY busy with my life - small kids, homeschooling, keeping house, etc. A lot of us ARE really busy with life, so it is hard to dig into what "green" really means. Or, if you're like me, you have in the past, but have gotten slightly lazy in some aspects. Well, thanks to Leah Segedie , Founder and CEO of Bookieboo Network and Mamavation , my job just got a whole lot easier. In Green Enough , Leah touches on Green Living, in a sane manner. Not once is she judgmental to us mother's who are doing our best for our families. She is extremely relatable and shares such invaluable information, this book will not be a read once - it will become a reference for a "greener" life. The book starts off with food. Food - sometimes it feels like it can be ou...