Daring to Hope by Katie Davis Majors
Daring to Hope by Katie Davis Majors is an inspiring story of faith, love, and hope. The way Katie writes is so moving, so touching that it was hard to put the book itself down. I cried more than once reading about her beautiful life with the men, women, and children of Uganda. Her story is that of trusting God, even when it seems the hardest. I really have no words to describe the welling in my heart right now as I write this review about such a beautiful book. Katie Davis Majors enraptured me into a world I can only but imagine. I have never seen the dirty floors of a hut, I have never watched women give birth and then die next to their newborn. I have never adopted one child, let alone 13. She is nothing short of inspiring. The way she writes as a real person, someone that is extremely relatable, I believe is the best part of Daring to Hope . I am going to go as far as to say that everyone should at least read this book, if not make it part of ...