The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids NIrV

The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids NIrV is a beautifully put together children's Bible. The need for more kids Bible's - Bible's that children can easily understand - is immense. My husband and I work in children's ministry at our church and you would be shocked at how many kid's don't have a proper Bible. They either have Bible's that are way to babyish or adult one's that are way over their heads. This creates a barrier between them and the Word of God. How do we expect to raise up another generation of those who love and follow Jesus like we are trying to teach them? How will they follow Psalm 119:11:

"Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You."
The following scripture is one of my favorites regarding Jesus and children. You will probably recognize it.

13 "Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. 14 But Jesus said, “[a]Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
 I was blessed to be able to recieve the The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids NIrV. My oldest son already has a Bible, so this will go to my middle child when he is old enough. In the meantime, it will be the Bible we use during our school days because my oldest can easily find passages and read the different parables, stories, and lessons we can glean from it. I find the Table of Contents really handy and so does he, since he is just learning the books of the Bible in order. The illustrations help hold attention spans of young ones and let's them more easily picture what is being conveyed in the passages. 

I have made a pro's and con's list because that always helps me when I'm looking into a new product. The following is what I like and dislike about The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids NIrV:


  • Beautiful illustrations (over 750 of them!)
  • Easy to read - written at a third-grade reading level
  • Geared towards Kids
  • An introduction about the NIrV (New International Revised Version) in the first few pages
  • Table of Contents
  • Sturdier paper than the standard Bible's out there (such as my adult versions)
  • Large, colorful map of the area's mentioned in the Bible
  • Bible family tree on the back of the map
  • Clearly numbered pages on the bottom outside corners
Front of poster (map)

Back of poster (Bible Family Tree)


  • No concordance
  • No index
  • The maps mentioned are within the illustrations, so there are none in the back like some Bible's have. 
Our family really enjoys this easy to read children's Bible. I'll be looking into getting our hands on some more for the kids in our Children's Church.

Look for yourself here: 

While you're at it, check out Bible Gateway They have passage lookup, Study resources, App downloads and more! 

*I received The Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids NIrV free as a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid.
