How to Clean with Lemon Oil and Tea Tree Oil

I am ALL for cleaning my house naturally. The chemicals we run into daily considering pollution, every day household cleaners and even playing on a lawn that has pesticides on it do take a toll on our bodies, whether we see it or not. That being said, I am so happy to have both of these essential oils to help me clean my home!

We have all seen the commercials about having to use bleach to get a home clean. That isn't necessarily true. Tea Tree Oil is a natural anti-microbial and can kill off bacteria and germs in the home and Lemon oil is a natural disinfectant, so perfect for cleaning anywhere in your home. Lemon oil also is great for cleaning wood and helps shine tarnished silver and stainless steel.

Here is the solution I used to clean my home yesterday with amazing results:
  • 1/3 bucket full of warm to hot water (I use an ice cream bucket)
  • 20 drops tea tree oil
  • 20 drops lemon oil
  • 1/4 cup of vinegar (optional)
Wash surfaces with a wash cloth then if you want wipe with another cloth to dry the surface. It makes stainless steel shine! 

Now these oils have many other benefits but we will go into that on a later post! Thanks for reading!


  1. Thanks for sharing this I have been wanting to ask you for it. Now I have it.

  2. Thanks for sharing this I have been wanting to ask you for it. Now I have it.


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